Tuesday, December 06, 2005


  • The Carpenter
  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like if M. Nite Shyamalon made a crappy movie that had a twist ending that made the whole movie a ridiculous waste ot time? Wait a tic......damn it. Anyways, The Carpenter tells a beautiful story of two crossed lovers. A husband and wife buy a new house that needs renovation. So the construction crew comes during the day. Well at night, the wife keeps waking up to hammers, saws, etc. She goes down to check it out and finds one guy there working. He talks about how dedicated he is bla bla bla. This cycle repeats. The creepy carpenter only works at night time, and the day time crew have no idea who he is. Well, he and the wife get into a fling. Eventually, things start to turn sour and the wife, her sister, and the carpenter start to fight. Guess what...they swing at him, miss, and put a hammer through the wall. Ouch. The Carpenter goes down. Another hammer through the wall, GAAAH. The Carpenter is hurtin. They figure out that they hurt The Carpenter by hurting the house. Can you guess why? Because the Carpetenter IS THE FREAKIN HOUSE! Seriously, 90 minutes of my life gone and there weren't even boobies in this movie. worthless.

    Memorable Moments
    • Awkward moments between the wife and carpenter
    • Hardcore overacted enthusiasm by the carpenter

    by UberBrian

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